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Organically certified Microbial digested blend of selected marine crustaceans fortified with fulvic acid
Organic microbially active fertiliser, packed with vital amino acids and growth hormones
Organically certified digested kelp with plant beneficial microbes.
Organically certified sticker/spreader
A microbial digested blend of amino acids and kelp with macro and micro nutrients
A microbial digested blend of amino acids, kelp and macro/micro nutrients.
Microbially digested kelp fortified with plant beneficial microbes
Microbially Actve Foliar Fertliser. Packed with Vital Amino acids. Balanced with trace elements and micro nutrients
Soft Rock Phosphate is a clay material, which increases the cation exchange capacity of the soil which allows the soil to hold more positively charged nutrients such as; calcium, potassium, magnesium and trace elements.
Microbially active foliar fertiliser fortified with macro and micronutrients.
Unique liquid that blends and digests phosphorous acid and calcium carbonates together
Provides plants with a quick response to Potassium deficiency.
Drought is a devastating natural hazard, due to the negative effects of the climatic change, the percentage of the planet affected by drought has more than doubled in the last 40 years (FAO).
Water deficit in plants is considered as one of the major abiotic stresses (Jaleel et al., 2009). Plants exposed to severe drought experience changes in metabolic functions such as losses of photosynthesis pigments. Lower photosynthesis rate means low plant biomass and consequently a reduction in yield. Read More “How GrowGreen Fertilizers help Plants against Drought”
Lupins: A global perspective
Lupins, which are members of the legume family,originated more or less simultaneously in both North and South America and in the Mediterranean, and have a rich history as a food starting with both the early Egyptian and pre-Incan civilizations. The Roman agriculturists also recognized lupins for their role in soil fertility (1,2). Able to grow in a variety of soil conditions, lupin can fix nitrogen, absorb phosphates from the soil and requires only the addition of potassium. It is considered a highly sustainable crop with excellent nutritional properties, an excellent amino acid profile and its protein level compared to other legumes is one of the highest. (3) White Lupin, the most widely grown subspecies, is grown around the world, but Australia has been the largest producer of white for decades(4). Figure 1 shows worldwide distribution of lupin production (5). Read More “Lupin Production Using GrowGreen Products”
Growers apply a significant amount of commercial fertilizers to their cropping systems based upon soil testing results, providing plants with essential plant nutrients to boost growth. While this results in increased yields, there are some drawbacks to solely relying on this practice.
The major repercussions include nutrient leaching and the associated effects seen when nutrients are moved out of the root zone.
Read More “Leaching Loss Reduction & Increased Nutrient Delivery with GrowGreen Fertilizers”
Covering more than 240 million hectares around the globe, wheat is grown on more land area than any other commercial crop. Being a staple food around the globe, ~21% of the world’s food depends on annual harvested wheat. When considering plant-based diets, wheat combined with maize and rice, provides two-thirds of human food consumption. Ranked third in terms of produced weight (Curtis et al 2002; USDA 2014). 732.9 million metric tons of wheat is estimated to be grown around the globe this year. With Australia expecting to produce 17,300,000 metric tons of that. Most wheat is consumed within the country where it is produced.World wheat trade (In 2011) is around 148 million metric tons (FAO) and Australia is one of the world’s biggest exporters. With an industry worth more than A$5 billion per year, wheat is Australia’s most valuable crop (Hochman et al 2019).
Read More “The role of GrowGreen products in promoting wheat protein quality”
Organic GrowGreen Products
GrowGreen’s organic AminoElite Bio-fertilizer is produced using a proprietary manufacturing process combining amino acids and kelp. This results in a balanced product that optimizes the plant’s ability to uptake nutrients, improves the soils ability to make nutrients available to the plant and increases both quality and yield of the plant.
Read More “Economic Benefits of Using GrowGreen Products Berriwillock”
Canola Oil, the third largest vegetable oil by volume after palm and soybean oil, has become one of the most important oilseed crops in the world. (1)
Data from numerous studies have determined that canola oil contains cardioprotective substances including 1) low levels of saturated fatty acids (7%); 2) significant amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and Polyunsaturated acids (PUFAs), including oleic acid (61%), linoleic acid (21%), and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA)(11%) 3) noteworthy levels of plant sterols (0.53-0.97%) and Tocopherols (700-1200ppm). (2) Canola oil also contains both Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, both having a wide range of important health benefits. (3). The health benefits related to the use of canola oil in one’s diet are, among others, reduction of LDL and decreasing risk of heart disorders. (3).
Read More “Canola Production Using GrowGreen Bio Fertilizers”