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Organically certified Microbial digested blend of selected marine crustaceans fortified with fulvic acid
Organic microbially active fertiliser, packed with vital amino acids and growth hormones
Organically certified digested kelp with plant beneficial microbes.
Organically certified sticker/spreader
A microbial digested blend of amino acids and kelp with macro and micro nutrients
A microbial digested blend of amino acids, kelp and macro/micro nutrients.
Microbially digested kelp fortified with plant beneficial microbes
Microbially Actve Foliar Fertliser. Packed with Vital Amino acids. Balanced with trace elements and micro nutrients
Soft Rock Phosphate is a clay material, which increases the cation exchange capacity of the soil which allows the soil to hold more positively charged nutrients such as; calcium, potassium, magnesium and trace elements.
Microbially active foliar fertiliser fortified with macro and micronutrients.
Unique liquid that blends and digests phosphorous acid and calcium carbonates together
Provides plants with a quick response to Potassium deficiency.
Canola Oil, the third largest vegetable oil by volume after palm and soybean oil, has become one of the most important oilseed crops in the world. (1)
Data from numerous studies have determined that canola oil contains cardioprotective substances including 1) low levels of saturated fatty acids (7%); 2) significant amounts of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and Polyunsaturated acids (PUFAs), including oleic acid (61%), linoleic acid (21%), and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA)(11%) 3) noteworthy levels of plant sterols (0.53-0.97%) and Tocopherols (700-1200ppm). (2) Canola oil also contains both Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, both having a wide range of important health benefits. (3). The health benefits related to the use of canola oil in one’s diet are, among others, reduction of LDL and decreasing risk of heart disorders. (3).
Canola oil is used in a variety of food products including animal feed, cooking and salad oil, margarine and shortening. The industrial usages of canola includebiodiesel, cosmetics, detergents and soaps, fertilizers, inks, lacquers, lubricants, greases, hydraulic fluids, pharmaceuticals, photographic compounds, plastics and surfactants.
The top four producers of canola oil are, in order of production: Canada, China, India and Australia. (3)
Production Issues
Two of the most important nutrients in canola production impacting high yields and quality are Nitrogen and Sulfur. (4) Complicating the fertility picture is the fact that canola is very sensitive to fertilizer salts, so it is necessary to carefully consider the type of fertilizer formulations used in production.Canola’s nitrogen requirement is high due to the high nitrogen contentfound in its seeds and plant tissues and, it is particularly sensitive to low soil sulfur concentration.
Diseases which negatively impact canola production are Sclerotinia (white mold), and Leptosphaeria maculans (Blackleg disease). (4)
Crucifer flea beetle (Phyllothretacruciferae), Diamondback Moth (Plutellaxylostella)and Bertha Armyworm (Mamestraconfigurata) are the three most serious insect pests impacting canola production. (4)
Use of Bio-fertilizers and Bio-stimulants in Canola Production
Use of bio-organic fertilizers, such as Grow Green, in canola production has been linked to increased grain yield, chlorophyll a and b content, indole acetic acid, gibberellins and B vitamins (growth promoting substances), unsaturated fatty acids, and a decrease in palmitic and arachidic acids (unhealthy saturated fatty acids). (5)
Bio-fertilizers, including Grow Green, also mitigate the growing concern with application of numeral fertilizers, due to the associated groundwater pollution, soil acidification and higher emission of N20, and its purported role in global warming. (6)
Grow Green fertilizers also have been repeatedly shown to positively impact rhizosphere-associated microorganisms which significantly increase nutrient availability. Increased nutrient availability, especially nitrogen, due to a healthy rhizosphere, has been shown to increase seed yield, 1000 seed weight and plant heightin canola. (6)
Grow Green Amino Elite®
Amino Elite® is a special liquid fertilizer produced by a unique process where natural marine products are digested by microbes transforming the nutrients into amino acids that are 100% plant available. Amino Elite® is an active microbiological product containing vital amino acids enriched with microelements, vitamins and phytohormones. The product is suitable for both foliar and soil application.
Amino Elite® is produced by a process which involves extracting L-amino acids due to the action of selected microorganisms. It is also enriched with vitamin C and fulvic acid.
Grow Green’s organic AminoElite Bio-fertilizer is produced using a proprietary manufacturing process combining amino acids. This results in a balanced product that optimizes the plant’s ability to uptake nutrients, improves the soils ability to make nutrients available to the plant and increases both quality and yield of the plant.
This increase is a result of several factors: 1) Bio-stimulants are incorporated in the form of amino acids, beneficial acids and microorganisms 2) Both macro and micronutrients are combined which result in plant growth stimulation and 3) Plant beneficial microbes, bacteria (PGPR), and fungi, are incorporated to aid the plant in dealing with the stresses brought on by drought, diseases and insect attack.
Bio-stimulants, or “metabolic enhancers”, as they are sometimes called, are biologically derived substances that have been shown to enhance overall plant growth and health, resulting in higher quality and yield. They contain nutrients, like traditional fertilizers, however, they function by promoting a plants natural processes, thereby enabling more energy to be shunted directly towards plant growth. By increasing plant vigor, thus health, plants are more resistant to drought, pests and diseases.
This balanced and optimized product results in the plant reaching its maximum genetic potential while improving soil health through an increase in plant available nutrients, and a healthy rhizosphere in the form of beneficial plant microbes; bacteria, and Fungi.
Grow Green Microbe Plus (M+) Kelp®
Microbe Plus (M+) Kelp® has been created via a unique process that blends and digests different species of seaweeds with beneficial microbes; fungi and bacteria. This process has created an excellent fertilizer which will supply plants not only with macro and micronutrients but also with hormones and other stimulants.
Growgreen’s Microbe Plus kelp® is blended with two different marine seaweeds belonging to different families with different origins and environmental conditions.
The benefits of using these selected seaweeds species are due to both the complementary hormonal content and a full range of molecules with bio stimulant effect. The nutrient composition is not as high as in any other GrowGreen liquid fertilizer. It has been developed due to its stimulatory effect rather than the nutritional content.
Canola Study Results
In 2016, a GrowGreen foliar trial (Fig. 1 – Experimental Design) wasconducted in Greenethorpe, NSW, AU. The trial design was an RCBD, with two reps and 12 treatments (Fig. 2 – Treatment Description). The research plot was buffered on all sides with untreated canola to isolate the treatments from any outside influences. The canola variety used was Pioneer® 44Y27, an early to mid-maturity Roundup Ready® Canola hybrid.
Fig. 1 Experimental Design – RCBD, 4 Replications
Fig. 2 – Treatment Description
GrowGreen Foliar Trial – Canol
Treatments were applied at GS5.1, i.e, when seeds in the lower pods were full size and translucent, as described by a 2012 North Dakota State publication (9).
One treatment stood out from all others. (Fig. 3 – Results) When Grow Green Amino Elite, applied at 3 l/ha was combined with 1 l/ha of Grow Green Microbe Plus Kelp, along with 250 ml/ha of Xtend Crop Oil, yield increased 4.48%, in metric tonnes per ha. That represents a profit of $24.45 AUD per ha, after cost of treatment is considered. There was a special interaction between this particular combination of Amino Elite, Microbe Plus Kelp and Oil that produced this result. None of the other combinations beat the control.
Fig. 3 Results
Australia grew 2M ha of canola in 2019, worth about, $2.23 billion, AUD. (8) A 4.48% increase represents $48.9M in increased profits for Canola growers after costs of treatment are subtracted, if growers chose to supplement their fertilizer with the Grow Green products and regimen used in this study.
Impact of Grow Green Products for Canola Farmers
Canola growers who apply Grow Green Amino Elite, Grow Green Microbe Plus Kelp and Grow Green Xtend crop oil at the rate used in the study can expect to see:
Grow Green’s products are much more than just organic fertilizers that provide all necessary macro and micronutrients needed to achieve maximum yield. Because bio stimulants are incorporated, in the form of beneficial microbes, amino acids and plant hormones, and due to the careful manufacturing process, which does not introduce any inorganic hazardous chemicals, the crop receives all it needs to reach maximum genetic potential in terms of both yield and quality.
Application of Grow Green fertilizers enhances the plants innate protection response to drought and diseases, resulting in healthier crops and fewer inorganic and toxic treatments for disease control. Grow Green fertilizers also function to enhance and increase the natural soil microbial population, which not only results in more vigorous and healthy crops, but a healthier and sustainable soil for future generations of farmers.
Canola And Related Research Documents
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