The natural source of the product guarantees a complete profile of amino acids needed for the plant to create whatever protein is needed to deal with its metabolism, from growth to stress situation. Hence it is important to supply plants with a broad amino acid spectrum.

Amino acids are the essential building blocks for plant growth. AminoElite has a series of L shaped amino acids. These amino acids are good chelating agents, which facilitates nutrient absorption through the foliar surface and through the root system, transporting nutrients more efficiently throughout the plant.
Most soils have deficiencies of trace elements. AminoElite is a concentrated source of both macro and micronutrients. It will provide organic nitrogen to your plant and soil and beneficial microbes to your soil.
Deep-sea crustaceans are a good source of chitin. The presence of chitin and the enzyme chitinase, enhance the immune system of the plant.
- Healthy plants are better able to resist environmental stresses such as pests, disease and extreme weather conditions.
- The correct balance of Micro and Macro nutrients will aid the plants ability to produce uniformity in fruit size, colour, and shape.
- Microbes and bacteria help supply organic nitrogen to the plant and soil.
- AminoElite can enhance the uptake and assimilation of trace minerals to rapidly correct minor micronutrient deficiencies.
- Improving soil microbial activity can aid the reduction of bulk fertilisers use and assist with unlocking built-up nutrients.
- AminoElite has a Nil withholding period.